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Cloud Managed Services

Managed Cloud Services by Triton Technologies

随着越来越多的企业将业务迁移到云端, Triton Technologies 站在最前沿,在伍斯特和整个马萨诸塞州提供托管云服务. 我们理解迁移到云的决定涉及各种因素, such as heightened flexibility, accessibility, resilience, and cost savings. However, 通过互联网连接,可以方便地从任何地方远程访问数据, 由于配置不当或安全不佳的云服务器而导致数据泄露的风险也在激增. 这就是为什么将您的云计算设置和管理委托给我们的it专业团队是至关重要的.

我们广泛的云托管功能不仅提供了无与伦比的灵活性,而且还满足了各种规模的企业的需求, all without breaking the bank. Leveraging our collective 50 years of experience, 我们拥有必要的洞察力来辨别什么对你有用,什么对你没用. 请放心,无论您选择何种云计算服务, they will be installed, monitored, and maintained properly by our expert team.

Explore our other offerings in Managed IT Services, IT Support, and industry-specific IT solutions. Book a consultation with us today.


Why Choose Our Cloud Managed Services

Resilient Framework

24小时管理和优化的网络基础设施, Triton's Managed Cloud Services provide unwavering support. 我们的团队监控、整合和调整网络,以提高业务绩效.

Vendor Harmony

Critical cloud hiccups? 我们的云托管服务提供商与供应商协调协调解决方案, assuming responsibility for issue resolution. 此外,我们还在成本管理和流程自动化方面拓展了智慧.

Centralized Excellence

所有服务和应用程序都在我们的集中式数据中心找到自己的家. The result? Remote data access, heightened productivity, optimized resource utilization, ample storage, and fortified backups — all at your fingertips.

Strategic Investment

Lay the foundation for IT expenditure with our guidance. 我们定制每月服务计划,以满足您的组织预算和优化您的IT投资,以获得最大回报.

Service Commitment

Operating within stringent Service Level Agreements (SLAs), we ensure precise control over service levels, ushering seamless continuity into your business operations.

Maintenance Simplified

Triton的云托管服务提供商将您的组织从网络维护的负担中解脱出来, yielding options for cost savings and seamless maintenance. Bid adieu to the stress of IT upkeep costs.

Data Guarded

在云管理服务领域,数据安全和快速访问是最重要的. Through proactive backups and swift recovery, 我们确保您的数据在所有云服务和应用程序中的神圣性, reinforcing the bedrock of business continuity.

Timely Tech

通常情况下,内部团队会在常规技术和软件更新的重压下崩溃. 借助我们的托管服务提供商(MSP)专业知识转移到云端,可确保您的数据中心保持最新状态,无需麻烦.

Rapid Response

本地问题解决不同于远程网络故障排除. In the realm of cloud managed services, we take the helm, guaranteeing quick response times to issues, preserving your time and energy reserves.

Customized Services

Triton的云管理服务提供商提供灵活的解决方案,以满足您的业务需求. 从现收现付模式到强化的安全和网络监控, we provide the ideal solution.

Managed Clouds Solutions We Offer

Regardless of your needs, Triton有一个基于云的解决方案,可以让你不受限制地访问你的数据和服务, anywhere and anytime. Combined with our managed services, 我们以24/7/365全天候监控和网络安全来支持我们的云计算, with Helpdesk assistance only a call away.

Cloud Consulting and Migration

Not sure where to start? 我们会和你坐下来,根据你的需求制定蓝图. 我们拥有无与伦比的云计算工具, 我们将找到将您使用的服务和数据无缝迁移到云的最佳选择.


Managed Cloud Infrastructure

我们根据您的需求量身定制云架构,然后随着需求的发展监控并适应您的环境. 我们打破了传统的云提供商的刻板印象,他们只想管理基础设施,当客户需要支持时就撒手不管.

Managed Online Hosting

需要数据存储解决方案或替换当前服务器? 我们将与您一起为您的数据和服务器找到最好的基于云的托管服务, 通过迁移到云来清理空间并降低公用事业成本. Click here to learn more.

Managed Online Backup

Triton has a suite of options to provide online, cloud-based backups for your business’s critical data, from selected data to full server images. We can get you back up and operational within minutes. No matter the issue, your data will always be recovered. Click here to learn more.

Cloud-based VoIP

IP语音(VoIP)改变了企业使用电话的方式. 从员工和客户之间更轻松的连接到基于云的功能,员工可以随身携带他们的工作编号, it’s time you upgrade this vital component of your business. Click here to learn more.

Virtual Desktops

By using virtualization techniques, 可以将所有重要的程序加载到云环境中, and then deliver them, on your employee’s workstations. 云计算允许工作人员在他们选择的位置和设备上访问他们需要的数据. Click here to learn more.

Amazon Web Services Consulting Partner

Triton提供亚马逊网络服务(AWS)服务,使机构和政府组织能够以高敏捷性和低成本迁移到云端, yet have a completely secure IT infrastructure. 拥有多年的AWS平台经验和深厚的系统集成能力, Triton guarantees the success of your implementation. 我们是一个指定的组织,可以跨业务和政府交付大量迁移.

AWS Migration Consulting and Services

Triton提供亚马逊网络服务(AWS)服务,使机构和政府组织能够以高敏捷性和低成本迁移到云端, yet have a completely secure IT infrastructure. 拥有多年的AWS平台经验和深厚的系统集成能力, Triton guarantees the success of your implementation. 我们是一个指定的组织,可以跨业务和政府交付大量迁移.

AWS Managed Services

我们的AWS专家团队可以管理您所有与AWS相关的数据库和基础设施, along with your application deployment on AWS. With Triton Managed Cloud Services, 你可以把精力集中在你的事业上,因为你知道自己得到了很好的照顾.

Other IT Support Services We Offer

Managed performance and security on all of your IT systems.

Triton Technologies

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