

Legal IT Support & bt365全程提供的服务




精简公司管治, 简化合约管理, 保护敏感数据, all while adapting seamlessly to remote work demands with our Managed It Services for Law Firms. 我们有警惕的网络安全措施和全天候的支持, you can confidently navigate the complexities of compliance and focus on delivering exceptional legal services. Elevate your practice and stay ahead of the competition with bt365全程 as your trusted IT partner.


为物业交易提供便利, 高效的文档管理, 并严格遵守我们专业的IT解决方案. 我们的数据安全措施, 包括加密和访问控制, 您可以相信我们会保护敏感的财产相关信息.


Our customized Legal IT solutions provide your firm with the capabilities to optimize intricate procedures associated with intellectual property, 这是否涉及保护专利, 解决版权问题, 或者坚持遵守数据隐私法规. This optimization ensures that your IP assets are safeguarded with the utmost precision, 法律程序得到有效管理, 客户数据仍然是保密和合规的.

Criminal Law

有效处理刑事案件, from evidence organization to court filings with our robust cybersecurity measures, 包括数据加密和访问控制. You can rest assured that client information remains confidential and secure. 在远程工作和数字协作的时代, bt365全程 offers modern tools for secure virtual meetings and confidential document sharing, 促进团队之间的顺畅沟通. Let bt365全程 管理法律资讯科技服务 transform your Criminal Law practice, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional legal services while we handle the complexities of IT.


Managed IT is the new direction that is transforming how legal firms view their IT infrastructure, IT operations, and IT staff.  全面的收购方法, deployment, IT环境的运行, 托管IT服务和支持是满足业务需求的更好方式 & customer demands.

Flat-rate IT Costs


IT Infrastructure

A scalable IT infrastructure: if you need more of anything, you just order it.



Staying Secure


Better ROI


Guaranteed IT

IT system performance levels and services are clear and guaranteed in writing.


IT Consulting

Gain years of expertise in a single meeting by discussing your IT plans and needs with our Professional Services Team. A Managed Services provider like bt365全程 can give you perspectives no single vendor will tell you. 我们知道我们和他们中的大多数人一起工作. We are technology and vendor agnostic and look to provide you the best possible cost-effective solution for your specific operating environment. 点击这里了解更多.

Managed Cloud

我们为您设计并维护最佳解决方案, physical, 虚拟或位于您的站点的组合, 你的供应商或我们的网站. Our rapidly scalable solution configured with backup and disaster recovery (BDR) capabilities typically lowers data storage and Backup and Disaster Recovery costs by 18%-29%. 点击这里了解更多.


By obtaining IT infrastructure support for your law firm you can guarantee both security and performance levels (through a Service Level Agreement). Subscribe for a monthly fee rather than purchasing thousands of dollars (a capital expense) in hardware and software that has to be continually upgraded and patched, 然后每四年更换一次.


We can evaluate your networking and storage alternatives and deliver your legal organization a comprehensive Backup and Disaster Recovery plan. We will not only consider backup solutions (relatively easy) but timely recovery solutions (much more difficult). 从简单的文件恢复到站点级恢复, 我们列出了一个部署列表, cloud storage and operational services working with the vendors you choose or use our facilities. 点击这里了解更多.


bt365全程 Managed IT Services manages many applications that are critical to daily operations within the insurance industry. Our infrastructure can support a customized environment that won’t disrupt any of your operational systems while developing and testing.


这是所有东西汇聚在一起的地方. Our U.S. based Help Desk is staffed by a team of IT professionals that have attained some of the highest first level resolution (FLR) rates in the industry. Have your talented IT team focus on supporting your field agents and customers, 而不是“基本的”帮助台“活动. 点击这里了解更多.

Leave your current IT “break-fix” environment where vendor objectives are to increase billable hours. Let bt365全程 Managed Services provide your Legal Practice a complete IT solution with the latest in advanced security technology and performance guarantees.


Partner with experts in cannabis security solutions to address IT needs in manufacturing, distribution, 在遵守行业法规的同时进行零售.

Collaborate with industry leaders in energy and utility technology to optimize IT solutions and meet the evolving demands of the sector.

Our financial IT solutions provide cutting-edge technology and expert guidance to empower your institution.

Optimize your government operations and public service with our advanced IT solutions.

利用我们创新的IT解决方案改变医疗保健服务, 提高病人护理和运作效率

Enhance guest satisfaction and operational efficiency with our customized hospitality IT solutions.

我们创新的保险IT解决方案,让您安心无忧, 为保护最重要的东西而量身定制.

借助我们专业的IT解决方案,为您的法律实践提供助力, 旨在提高贵公司的效率和成功.

利用我们先进的IT解决方案彻底改变您的制造流程, 推动生产效率和创新.

Partnering with non-profits, combining technology and empathy to drive positive change globally.”

We harness the potential of advanced IT solutions to streamline operations, drive growth, 并在不断发展的科技领域保持领先地位.

Transforming transportation with our custom IT solutions for efficiency and connectivity.


满足您的IT支持需求和遵从性要求. Contact Us Today.